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There is power in music that touches the heart faster and deeper than any other art or medium. 

Please note, this list does not include classical music, but classical music is an organic part of my life.  (Even with modern music, I noticed I have a tendency to gravitate toward pieces that have a classical  instrument element.) I will “out-Mozart” (🡨 Aquarius!!) anyone. Also, you can flood me with Bach(s),  Vivaldi, Hayden, Handle (anything from baroque!!) till your ears bleed, – I take it! (Putting on an evening gown, “doll up” and drive to a classical music concert/ theatric performance is way up high on my “fun  things to do”. But clubbing will be just as high… depending on my mood what I “crave”.) 

Music was always a determining factor in my life. I chose to go to a music elementary school, founded  by Kodaly (@ 6). I thank my mother who let me choose my own paths in life even at such a young age!  

Some videos are a bit too avant-garde for my taste, but the sound is my soul. 

Because a skyscraper needs a solid foundation: Lets’ start this list off on the right note (with a gusto):  

Back to Basics (🡨want to dance? DANCE to this!! NYC -ARC rules!!! WOW fun! Nothing else needed just the bass vibrating in your lungs and the music taking over your mind and body with each breath, your  heartbeat becoming a metronome… force majeure a la Anna!)

FIND your roots and you’ll find peace: (Hungarian folklore) 

Let’s jump between the 80s and electronica back-and-forth a bit till it’s melted into one sound.  Voila, the melting pot: 

My workout songs as of late:  

And I enjoy Eminem’s rawness. Something very naked and honest about it. (Though music-wise not my  cup of tea, but was blown away with insightfulness and wisdom of Marilyn Manson in movie “Bowling  for Columbine”. I like artistic freedom being expressed without fear of “commercial” backlash concerns. 

My take: It is an artist’s duty to say what others are afraid to, in a way others are unable to. I can bow  to that!