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There is power in music that touches the heart faster and deeper than any other art or medium.
Music is something super special for humankind. Alzheimer’s patients may forget their loved ones, but music sticks the longest in their mind .
Celtic folk tale says that when the Celts arrived to Ireland, the fairies, who occupied the land, taught them three kinds of music: one that makes you laugh, one that makes you cry, and one that makes you fall asleep.
For me, music is the fifth force, beauty and harmony wrapped into one. As far as its mood/ directions: either takes me to a place of pure joy, energy and vigor; or cuts deeper than a knife that words alone cannot match; or is soothing like a hug when you need it the most. I’d rather give up chocolate than music. (FYI: I consume an insane amount of chocolate!…..which I gave up for a year to self-test my dedication to Joe. @17.)
Please note, this list does not include classical music, but classical music is an organic part of my life. (Even with modern music, I noticed I have a tendency to gravitate toward pieces that have a classical instrument element.) I will “out-Mozart” (🡨 Aquarius!!) anyone. Also, you can flood me with Bach(s), Vivaldi, Hayden, Handle (anything from baroque!!) till your ears bleed, – I take it! (Putting on an evening gown, “doll up” and drive to a classical music concert/ theatric performance is way up high on my “fun things to do”. But clubbing will be just as high… depending on my mood what I “crave”.)
Music was always a determining factor in my life. I chose to go to a music elementary school, founded by Kodaly (@ 6). I thank my mother who let me choose my own paths in life even at such a young age!
Some videos are a bit too avant-garde for my taste, but the sound is my soul.
Because a skyscraper needs a solid foundation: Lets’ start this list off on the right note (with a gusto):
Back to Basics (🡨want to dance? DANCE to this!! NYC -ARC rules!!! WOW fun! Nothing else needed just the bass vibrating in your lungs and the music taking over your mind and body with each breath, your heartbeat becoming a metronome… force majeure a la Anna!)
One Halloween we partied in the City, then hopped on a plane to go to Miami to follow Tenaglia to his next party (and made a long weekend out of it to soak in some sunshine. I dragged Cookie with me too.)
BTW, if anyone knows what song DT was playing at the last Arc party, please drop me a line.: It started out like gray-noise similar to an old radio tuning when searching for a station (like a cosmos is born out of chaos) and slowly the mismatched sounds got into the same tempo (sort of like the planetary movements finally being aligned and once they found each other it just went into a new dimension) and something wonderful was born out of the chaos with energy and harmony and rhythm in perfect unity.
Rather be –
Electricity –
Rain on Me –
Rude Boy –
S&M –
Break Free –
Sucker –
Mon Ami (my idea of “Utopia”) –
Finished Symphony (Let me take you on a journey! Classical music fused with electronica and pure emotion in all its forms. I just read in comments inspirational elements came from Gorecki…Speaking of whom, if you ever want a beautiful (though heartbreakingly sad) piece listen to “Sorrow” 🡨 a faint feeling from the Diva’s song in movie The Fifth Element) –
Saltwater (for the late night drives!!….just learned from a comment: “a song by the Irish band, Clannad, and is sung in Gaelic” 🡨 Expect nothing less from the Irish!! Must love them!!) –
Let’s get dark and see what music can say that words alone can’t: (with one exception all these songs are from my teenage years…sums up my attitude toward the world… pre Joe….) How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go?
It’s Gonna Be Alright (written decades ago, yet nothing changed…same issues. ‘The hell are we doing folks??) –
This is America (Glad to see someone sings of substance. Cynicism is always welcome with me! And if you think he exaggerates…read more news…. ) –
People are People –
Never Let me Down Again –
Blasphemous Rumors (My feelings summed up between age 14 and 17…NOT New Kids type, is it! But this is how I saw the world. Getting back from our summer vacation, pulling into the apartment complex’s parking lot with people gathered around the teenage girl’s body who just jumped off from the top of the 10-story building. (…I told you, this is gonna get dark, but fast!) She was my neighbor. Hungary had the highest suicide rate in the whole world…for thirty some years straight!!! Population 10 million…some statistics to take in…. we also lead alcoholism #1!… Can you tell? -communism sat well with us! A caged intellect will find ways to numb the brain and heartache, even if it is at the sacrifice of the flesh. Do some reading about 1956 though- not the American whitewashed, “I had nothing to do with it”, version!!!!! Especially if you are American!
Look up Teller Ede and the “Martians” here, too, just for good measure! ) Who needs enemies when you have friends like USA!?
Induljon a Banzaj (How the cult of BB started taking the entire nation by storm in the wake of the fall of communism when the rules changed from one day to the next nixing out your entire life and accomplishments…If you weren’t worked to the bone yet. Reset, start over!) –
1984 (Another staple..based on the book with same title. ‘Don’t have to analyze the parallels with communism, do I!) –
Kihalt Minden (More of those teenage feelings summed up in a song, the world self-destructing;- be it human or planet its target as collateral damage. Powerful words with a catchy tune. Still cannot help not to sing along…it’s ingrained.) –
Vidam Dal (Poems galore! Petofi, Ady , Babits, Kosztolanyi, Arany ..and now Bonanza..and, no! Don’t get your hopes up, the Happy Song is not happy!…This had to be inspired by fan mail….This was BB’s reply.) –
Tanc (Fair warning: This is as happy as it gets with Bonanza! Dance!) –
70+ Bonanza Banzai SONGS –
150 Depeche Mode SONGS –
A Kor Kozepen Allok (one of my mom’s favorites, which I also liked a lot- Yes, Mom is way cool! –
FIND your roots and you’ll find peace: (Hungarian folklore)
(From Hungarian folklore, let’s have some pentatone/ pentakords here for Kodály’s/ Bartok’s homage! – I know the Japanese reader will know exactly what I am talking about!)
Erdő, Erdő, Erdő –
Csillagok Csillagok –
A Csitári Hegyek Alatt –
Let’s jump between the 80s and electronica back-and-forth a bit till it’s melted into one sound. Voila, the melting pot:
Welcome to NY (Vindictive ladies always welcome in my dictionary. Answer to question if “Are you happy that a rose has petals or sad that it has thorns”? My reply: “I am happy it has thorns! Something that beautiful with such sweet essence must know how to protect itself!”) –
True Faith –
Big In Japan –
Valerie –
Amadeus –
Im Nin’Alu – Lose the headdress and it’s a heck of a clubbing outfit to dance all night!- Yes, I would dare to wear it and would own the dance floor!) FAIR WARNING: Watching her is highly addictive!! – dance off? (Her dance seems like she is the cobra charmed by music.) –
Video Killed the Radio Star –
It’s My Life –
Venus (Trance version. Just learned: original version is sung by a Hungarian. Small nation, yet we are everywhere, -it seems. or Fermi ) was right!? 🡨 Anna humor. Sorry, it either grows on you or just becomes painful.)
Forever Young (RAVE version! But I love the original as well.) –
while we have rave on the menu: HYMN (to appease my analytical nature):
but if we have analytics, we must bring: Elements:
Voyage, Voyage (house mix) – and a simple
connect the dots:
Applause –
Sing Halleluiah –
Ébredj Velem–
Walking in Memphis –
Get out of my Dreams –
I Wanna Dance with Somebody –
Shut Up and Dance –
Take on Me (The range!! The deep notes and the highs…crazy!! Never goes out of style!! I tried the remixes, but they do not measure up to the original…Challenge for someone out there, please do it justice with a remix!) –
My workout songs as of late:
Toy –
Ready to go –
Superhero –
Kings & Queens – From the Queen of Aquarius:
My Head & My Heart (spin off from ATC) –
Twisted –
Remix –
Dirty Dancing –
I Need a Melody 🡨 blows my mind good! –
I’m Good –
Evacuate the Dancefloor –
And I enjoy Eminem’s rawness. Something very naked and honest about it. (Though music-wise not my cup of tea, but was blown away with insightfulness and wisdom of Marilyn Manson in movie “Bowling for Columbine”. I like artistic freedom being expressed without fear of “commercial” backlash concerns.
My take: It is an artist’s duty to say what others are afraid to, in a way others are unable to. I can bow to that!)
From my childhood (preschool years). Yes, it’s all politics!! …and poetry. – the Hungarian way! (if you ever wonder how I turned out like this…. Follow the music trail.) How these passed censorship is beyond me! After all, we learn poetry in school so we can read between the lines without any issues. But here, it was pretty spelled out. (if you get curious, find translations: copy paste title/ artist from youtube video.)
Nekem Nem Elég – X9U2RcuV8Ck&index=2
Sárga Rózsa –
Ha Én Rózsa Volnék –
El Kell Hogy Engedj (could be the Aquarius Hymn!) –
And let’s end with My Music Mentor who established my school for little brats like me: Kodály. Yes, it’s classical. Sorry, I just couldn’t help it.
Want a challenge to sing (for choir)? Try this: Try to keep tempo and not get sucked into the other’s melody. A Magyarokhoz [”To the Hungarians”] yep… still makes my eyes tear up.
A couple pretty pieces from Háry János (orchestral versions, as we all understand music, but not necessarily Hungarian) – If you “feel” these two pieces, you get Hungarians: mood/temper/energy/vigor. (though violin soloist is way pitchy at times, but she got the tempo & feeling just right- which is dictated by the natural rhythm of the words/ flow of sentence, thus most would have no clue about it, therefore it’s next to impossible to get it right without that layer.)
No, the cimbalom (🡨Hungarian instrument) is not “late”. It is purposely like that to imitate the youngster who is trying to keep up with the grown-ups, tagging behind them.
From someone who tried to find his roots and had done so much for music in Hungary,
though despite his endless efforts was never able to learn Hungarian…granted, it’s a tall order. But as far as the piano? Top this, world!
Hungarian Rhapsody Number 2 –